PITSS Brochure
Analysis Service Datasheets
- Status Quo Analysis
- Quality Analysis
- Development Analysis
- Upgrade Analysis
- ADF Analysis
- APEX Migration Analysis
Case Studies
- Summit – From Oracle Forms to APEX
- Power South Migration to ADF and MAF
- DTE: Oracle Forms Upgrade to 11g and Migration to ADF
- Men’s Warehouse: Oracle Forms Modernization
- HPH Port Managment: Upgrade Forms 6i to 11g
White Papers
- How to integrate Oracle BI Publisher via Web Services in Oracle Forms 11g.
- PITSS.CON and Scrum
- Implementing Web Services in Oracle Database Applications
- Oracle Forms to Oracle ADF and JEE
- Migrating Complex Oracle Forms Applications to APEX
- Rightsourcing: The Answer to Outsourcing Confusion
- Application Engineering (AE) Conception and Implementation
- Application Engineering For Oracle Forms and Reports Application
- Forms to Oracle ADF and J2EE
PITSS.CON Module Datasheets
- Technology Base
- Maintenance and Development
- Visual Design
- Multi Language
- Forms and Reports Upgrade
- Forms to ADF
- Forms to Apex
- Application Engineering
- Application Analysis
- Source Code Analytics
- Source Control
Success Stories
- MOL Group Upgrade – EN
- Sigmavista Migration to ADF -EN
- AgrarMarkt Optimizes Life Cycle and Upgrades
- TPA Quality Analysis
- VW Migration
- PITSS Success Story – NATO Migration
- NATO Migration
- Air Liquide Development Analysis
- WGV Internationalization
- VKB Forms Migration
- DTE Oracle Forms Upgrade
- TU Allianz Polska Optimization
- TKB Migration
- Sofrecom Modernization
- HPH Modernization
- Vhi Automated UI Changes
- REWE Group Mulit-Language and Migration