Development Process Predictions for 2018

Development Process Predictions for 2018To close out 2017, let’s look ahead to some of the exciting things happening for development in 2018. Our Solutions Architect at PITSS, Alex Walworth, gives his thoughts on some development predictions for the new year. As with...

Business Process Transformation Predictions for 2018

Business Process Transformation Predictions for 2018As we look ahead to 2018, we asked Gavin Woods, our Director of Consulting, to give us his perspective on what the future holds for business processes. The economy is growing and individual enterprises need to keep...

Turn B2E Applications into B2C Opportunities [WEBINAR]

Turn Internal B2E Applications into B2C Opportunities [WEBINAR] Sign up to get immediate access. SIGN UP NOW Find new opportunities in internally facing applications. Enterprises want to take legacy apps that serve teammates and turn them into self-serve,...

Content vs. Data [WHITEPAPER]

Content vs. Data [WHITEPAPER] Part of the Modernization Readiness Boot Camp Drawing distinctions between monolithic and modern architecture for digital disruption. Modern applications focus on the end user, the user experience, and the graphical experience of...

Take the Modernization Readiness Boot Camp

Take the Digital Modernization Readiness Boot Camp Learn how to prepare your organization for digital transformation. Sign up now Get immediate access to a full month’s worth of modernization readiness training. When you sign up, you’ll get access to new...