Jul 10, 2012 | Forms, PITSS.CON, Resolve Issues
Issue: When trying to load a particular form, a “Failed to load” error occurs listing a bunch of OLBs. However the OLBs are loaded into PITSS.CON. The OLBs were also loaded to locations in the FORMS_PATH variable but errors persisted. Resolution: The olb...Jul 10, 2012 | Forms, Install / Config, WebLogic
Issue: While running Forms configuration process, “error while creating instance” occurred. Resolution: Customer didn’t have enough hard disk space on their machine. You need at the very minimum 16GB of HDD for the configuration process. We recommend to...Jul 10, 2012 | Forms, Install / Config, Reports, Resolve Issues, WebLogic
During the configuration of Oracle Forms & Reports (running config.bat), if the step “Creating reports tools components” fails, check the following: Open up Control Panel –> Administrative Tools –> Services Check for the service Windows...Jul 10, 2012 | Resolve Issues, WebLogic
If you try to start or shut down any WebLogic server and you receive the following error: ASSERTION FAILED: ‘fio_delete(buf)’ In unlock_repository() (src/ext/jfr/c/repository.c:67) Assertion failed after 0 days, time_elapsed on dayofweek_month_day_year Go...Jul 10, 2012 | Forms, Resolve Issues, Windows
In order to run Oracle Forms with WebUtil, the Jacob DLL must be able to be written to the client’s file system. Depending on user permissions, you might receive possible errors when accessing a Forms application using WebUtil such as: “WUC-19: Unable to...