Oct 8, 2012 | Install / Config, Reports
For running reports, if you need to create a new standalone report server, you can do so by the following steps: Go to %ORACLE_INSTANCE%\bin ($ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin in Unix) Type in “opmnctl status” to see if opmn is running. If not, run “opmnctl...Oct 8, 2012 | Forms, Resolve Issues, WebLogic
FRM-93652 is a generic error thrown by the Forms Servlet when it doesn’t know what the error is. Thus, causes of this error can range from multiple reasons. Below are causes of the error: In Forms 12c, there have been known issues where some Windows PCs (usually on...Oct 8, 2012 | Forms, Install / Config, Resolve Issues, Windows
Issue: Customer was experiencing FRM-93552 error at about 100 user sessions per server. Production system was Windows Server 2008 32-bit, Forms, with 8 Processors, 40GB RAM. RAM Usage was low, only 15 out of 40GB used. CPU usage was averaging 5%. Thus...Oct 8, 2012 | Forms, Resolve Issues, Unix / Linux
In most Linux environments, forms compiling can only be done via command line (without the use of Forms Builder or Forms Compiler). When trying to compile modules using frmcmp_batch.sh and you receive the following error: “FRM-91500: Unable to start/complete the...Oct 8, 2012 | Forms, Resolve Issues, Windows
In Forms 11g and 11gR2 (especially in Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit), there has been a case where starting a form in a Forms application using WebUtil causes the following error: “FRM-40735: WHEN-CUSTOM-ITEM-EVENT trigger raised unhandled exception...