Oct 9, 2012 | Install / Config, Reports, Unix / Linux, Windows
The file rwserver.conf for your reports server contains configuration information where you can change different settings of the rwEng such as the reports engine settings. The following information provides some recommended settings for your reports engine. NOTE:...Oct 9, 2012 | PITSS.CON, Resolve Issues, Unix / Linux
Issue: When clicking on the help button, the following url shows up in the browser: http://:9001/forms/PitssHelp/english/manual.htm Solution: All that needs to be done is add a variable called “COMPUTERNAME” to your env files. Set the value of COMPUTERNAME to your...Oct 9, 2012 | PITSS.CON, Resolve Issues, Windows
In Windows installations (64-bit) of PITSS.CON, there have been times where a PITSS.CON non-ORACLE exception error, “304500: non ORACLE exception”, appears when you double-click on the Path text box in Module Handling. Most of the time, moving the...Oct 9, 2012 | PITSS.CON, Resolve Issues, Unix / Linux
In Linux installations of PITSS.CON, users sometimes may not be able to log in due to the following error: However, the PITSS user was installed on the same machine where PITSS.CON was installed. This has happened to some Linux installations. To overcome this error,...Oct 9, 2012 | PITSS.CON, Resolve Issues, Unix / Linux
In the Linux version of PITSS.CON, if you are unable to compile reports due to the following error: “Report compilation error 256” You can fix the problem by applying the following steps: Open up $ORACLE_HOME/bin/rwconverter.sh in a text editor. Make sure...