Nov 15, 2013 | Forms, Install / Config, Reports, Unix / Linux, WebLogic, Windows
1. About Log Rotation Log rotation is the process of generating new log files and adding a timestamp to older log files. This helps prevent a log file from growing too large. Log rotation can either be done when a log file gets to a certain size, after a certain...Oct 24, 2013 | Development, Forms, Install / Config, Resolve Issues, Unix / Linux, WebLogic, Windows
Updated: May 15, 2014 Due to the latest Java security patches beginning with JRE 1.7.0_25 and higher (especially JRE 1.7.0_45), all jar files have to be updated with the codebase and permissions attributes (and also the Application-Name attribute starting with JRE...Oct 18, 2013 | Forms, Reports, Resolve Issues, Unix / Linux, WebLogic, Windows
Updated: July 2, 2014 For Forms versions,, and, if you installed the WebLogic and Forms environment using JDK 7 (NOTE: JDK 7 is not supported with Forms, if you attempt to make any modifications of any OHS configuration...Oct 17, 2013 | Install / Config, Reports, Resolve Issues, WebLogic
For Oracle Reports client-server interaction in 11g, this interaction can be performed in 1 or 2 ways: Multicasting (Configured by default) Naming Service If you either wish to use a naming service instead of multicasting, or if you are using the default settings and...Oct 17, 2013 | Development, Forms, Install / Config, PITSS.CON, Resolve Issues, Unix / Linux, Windows
NOTE (Added December 17, 2013, modified June 3, 2014): PITSS.CON 12.2.2 has been released. The newest PITSS.CON release contains the fix to the problem which consists of all PITSS.CON jar files signed with trusted certificates. PITSS.CON 12.2.2 functions successfully...