If error is encountered in PITSS.CON: If you try to create a batch job in PITSS.CON and an ORA-12713 PITSS.CON error (ORA-12713 Character data loss in NCHAR/CHAR conversion) appears, the database connect string used in PITSS.CON may need to be updated. With the PITSS user you are working with, you would need to log into sqlplus as the PITSS user and then run the following script as a sqlplus command (one entry):
declare v_key varchar2(199); v_connstr varchar2(200) := ‘user/pass@sid’; begin select initcap(rpad(name||(dbid+7),16,name||(dbid+7))) into v_key from v$database; update init_parameter set parameter = pac_in.data_encrypt( v_connstr , v_key) where param_name = ‘con_psk’ and upper(aendern_jn) = ‘J’ ; commit; end;
After pressing Enter, type in ‘/’ and press Enter again to run the command successfully. This should resolve this issue.
There is also a known issue where this error can occur when attempting to load database objects in DB Handling. If this happens, log out of PITSS.CON, and log into PITSS.CON with the MIG user. Once logged in with MIG, go to User Access and change the connect string for the specific PITSS.CON user where the error is occurring. Once it is changed, log back into the other PITSS user, and try loading any application user’s database objects (as this is a temporary step, it is advised to load a schema’s database objects where there are very little such as WEBUTIL). After that is done, drop the database objects, log out of the PITSS.CON user, and log back into MIG. Re-assign your PITSS.CON user back to the original application connect string. Once you log back into PITSS.CON as your PITSS.CON user again, you should be able to load database objects again. More information regarding the loading of database objects may be found at https://pitss.org/us/2014/06/11/how-to-load-database-objects-into-pitss-con/.
NOTE: Each time you change the connect string for a PITSS.CON user in User Access, you will need to go to Administration –> Settings as the PITSS.CON user and update the connect string there as well.
If error is encountered in Oracle Forms:
Check to see what NLS_LANG is set to in Oracle Forms (inside the environment files). This error can occur if Forms is using a different character set than the database. The character set for Forms (NLS_LANG) should match what is set in the database.
NOTE: New installations of PITSS.CON are not recommended in Linux. PITSS.CON should be installed in a Windows environment.