For running reports, if you need to create a new standalone report server, you can do so by the following steps:

  1. Go to %ORACLE_INSTANCE%\bin ($ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin in Unix)
  2. Type in “opmnctl status” to see if opmn is running. If not, run “opmnctl startall”.
  3. Type in the following to create a new standalone reports server: opmnctl createcomponent -adminUsername weblogic -adminHost full_computer_hostname -adminPort 7001 -oracleHome C:\Oracle\Middleware\as_1 -oracleInstance C:\Oracle\Middleware\asinst_1 -instanceName asinst_1 -componentName name_of_report_server -componentType ReportsServerComponent
  4. Start the server “opmnctl startproc ias-component=name_of_report_server”
    Example: opmnctl createcomponent -adminUsername weblogic -adminHost PITSS_PC -adminPort 7001 -oracleHome C:\Oracle\Middleware\as_1 -oracleInstance C:\Oracle\Middlewar\easinst_1 -instanceName asinst_1 -componentName RptSvr_ReportServer -componentType ReportsServerComponent

NOTE: If you want your forms to communicate with the report server you just created, you will need to either update the APP_RS or RSERV parameters in the env files for your application or modify the hard-coded paths embedded in each form which calls a report. To get the new standalone reports server to work, you do not need to restart WLS_REPORTS.

NOTE: By default, the reports server engine settings are not sufficient to run reports in production. It is strongly recommended to fine-tune your reports server engines. More information can be found at