If you try to log onto PITSS.CON using either MIG or any of the PITSS users and you receive the following non-ORACLE exception when starting PITSS.CON:
PITSS.CON will close. PITSS.CON is having a difficult time accessing the PITSS.CON related DLLs:
- AutoVol.dll
- PitssFileDialog.dll
- pitss_vc.dll
- statistics.dll
To fix the problem, you can follow these steps:
- Go to C:\Windows\system32
- Copy all four dlls
- Paste them to %ORACLE_HOME%\bin
- Retry PITSS.CON (close all open browsers first). The error should not appear.
- Open an SSH window (PuTTY) as root
- cd /usr/lib64
- Give 777 permissions to the four dlls (Example: chmod 777 AutoVol.dll)
- Retry PITSS.CON (close all open browsers first). The error should not appear.
NOTE: If you happen to get this error also when you try to load modules into PITSS.CON in Module Handling, please see https://pitss.org/us/2012/10/09/pitsscon-non-oracle-exception-error/ for more information.
NOTE: New installations of PITSS.CON are not recommended in Linux. PITSS.CON should be installed in a Windows environment.