On May 6th Pitss hosted the Oracel Forms Orientation Day. It was a very successful Event with over 30 participants.
The first topic we talked about Oracle Forms Soucecode Quality and how to Analyse, Measure and Monitor it.
It is important to know where I am, to plan the next steps. With a good analysis you are able to estimate upcoming Projects very accurate and you know the most critical part of your Application. So you can also access the Risk that sleeps in your Application.
As a guest speaker we were able to win Graham Brown form Yorkshire Building Society. He presented their strategy with Oracle Forms to integrate it into a Service Oriented Architecture. He also showed how our Tool Pitss.Con helped them to understand the complexity of the application and the task.
They also use the Pitss.Con Module Application Engineering to extract the Business Logic form Froms to the Database. With the assitent of Pitss.Con they where able to save 60% – 75% compared to a manual approach. (http://pitss.org/us/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2015/05/YBS_PITSS-presentation.pdf)
To round up Grahams Presentation I was able to show the full potential of Pitss.Con to support the Process.
This Process shows how SOA can be a carrier for all Technologies and how I can enable my Forms to be integrated into a Service Oriented Architecture. (http://pitss.org/us/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2015/05/PITSS_PITSS.CON-supported-SOA-implementation.pdf)
Also Dermot Murray had a presentation on how to extend Oracle Froms with APEX to get out the most of both technologies.
As a final Speaker we had on a Video Conference join Micheal Ferrante (Oracle Forms Product Manager). He was able to point out some hidden Features in Oracle Forms, that make your current Forms Application more attractive and as he stated wakes it up. He also gave a outlook for Oracle Forms 12c with its new Serverside and Development Features. (http://pitss.org/us/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2015/05/Oracle_FormsFuture_webinar_pdf_v1.42.pdf).
In Summary it was a very successful Event and all participants went home with something new in the bag, that will help them for future decisions.
I’m looking forward to be at the next Pitss Event in fall and meet you there again.
We also have a summary of the event on our homepage, so please feel free to look at it and contact us if you have any questions. (http://pitss.org/us/orientation-day/)