When setting up new business models, developers need to overcome many challenges. The same is valid for a digital transformation.
This webinar gives you an overview of the steps you should take to ensure your digital future. Developers will learn what a programming environment in the cloud looks like, how to provide applications in the cloud, and what to bear in mind when enhancing Oracle Forms using cloud services.
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Stephen La Rocca
Business Development Manager, PITSS GmbH
Presenter: Stephen La Rocca, Business Development Manager, PITSS GmbH
In this free webinar, you’ll learn:
How to make your applications cloud compatible
What services will add value to your applications
How to keep track of your entire IT landscape
In this webinar, developers for digital transformation projects will also get the answers to the following questions:
- How do I get my existing Oracle Forms application to the cloud without having to migrate it?
- How can my users utilize cloud services?
- What do I have to do to only make part of my application available for customers?
- Can I save costs if I consolidate my client installations?
- What do I have to do to use other services in the cloud (e.g., mobile cloud services)?
- Can I switch between cloud services and an on-premises installation?
- What will happen to my reports?
You’ll get answers to all the most important questions about digital transformation. We look forward to welcoming you in our webinar!
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