Der PITSS Blog für Technik & Management
Wissenswertes zu Modernisierung und neuen Technologien
Jasper Reports – Javascript & PL/SQL Integration
In the last couple of months there has been a lot of information on how to migrate Oracle Reports to other modern reporting tools. For me, as I am dealing mostly with Jasper Reports, the question came up on how we actually can integrate...
Jasper Reports – Javascript & PL/SQL Integration
In the last couple of months there has been a lot of information on how to migrate Oracle Reports to other modern reporting tools. For me, as I am dealing mostly with Jasper Reports, the question came up on how we actually can integrate...
Assessing the Status Quo
Status Quo Analysis at a glance The Status Quo analysis provides you with all the important information about your Oracle Forms application, like the quantity structure, code allocation, program sizes, lines of code (LOC), lines of documentation (LOD) and a complexity … Continue reading →
Getting an inside View of your Oracle Forms and Reports Application
In addition to our latest Module Source Code Analytics in PITSS.CON, a Life Cycle Management Tool for Oracle Forms and Reports, we created complex Analyses as a Service to support Forms Customers to better understand the Software, simplify Maintenance, increase Quality and estimate Modernization Projects. There are six different Analyses possible, that provide you with the key numbers to get an overview of your current situation and enable you to plan future development and changes. Lets take a detailed look into the different possible Analyses. Continue reading →
Why and how to modernize legacy applications efficiently
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Förderprojekt BMBF
PITSS erhält Zuschlag für Förderprojekt des BMBF zur digitalen Softwaredokumentation
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Hrc setzt bei der Wartung seiner Banken Software auf Tempo und Sicherheit mit dem PITSS Application Data Cube
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Individuelle Beratung für die
Modernisierung Ihrer Software
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