Der PITSS Blog für Technik & Management

Wissenswertes zu Modernisierung und neuen Technologien

Why and how to modernize legacy applications efficiently

Why and how to modernize legacy applications efficiently

Why and how to modernize legacy applications efficientlyOutdated legacy applications are the greatest threats to companies’ productivity and revenue. The traditional incremental approach to migrating and modernizing legacy applications is costly and inefficient and...

Why and how to modernize legacy applications efficiently

Why and how to modernize legacy applications efficiently

Why and how to modernize legacy applications efficientlyOutdated legacy applications are the greatest threats to companies’ productivity and revenue. The traditional incremental approach to migrating and modernizing legacy applications is costly and inefficient and...

Free APEX White Paper

Free APEX White Paper

PITSS Tech Blog News zu Java, PL/SQL, Entwicklung & TechnologiewechselGet your free APEX white paper!  Learn how to bring an Oracle Forms application to APEX. What are indicators of a well defined APEX application? Why develop the APEX application in small...

Q&A Boost your Oracle Reports2Jasper Reports

Q&A Boost your Oracle Reports2Jasper Reports

PITSS Tech Blog News zu Java, PL/SQL, Entwicklung & TechnologiewechselQ&A - Boost your Oracle Reports2Jasper Reports [webcast]“For us Jasper Reports is the ideal technology to replace Oracle Reports. PITSS helped us with the technology selection and guided us...



Why and how to modernize legacy applications efficiently

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Förderprojekt BMBF

PITSS erhält Zuschlag für Förderprojekt des BMBF zur digitalen Softwaredokumentation

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Hrc setzt bei der Wartung seiner Banken Software auf Tempo und Sicherheit mit dem PITSS Application Data Cube

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Individuelle Beratung für die
Modernisierung Ihrer Software

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Uta Daniels
Assistant of Sales Management
[email protected]
+49 711/914-012-12