Der PITSS Blog für Technik & Management

Wissenswertes zu Modernisierung und neuen Technologien

Consume APEX RESTful Web Services in Java Swing?

What Are RESTful Web Services? RESTful web services are built to work best on  Web and Desktop Application. Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style which specify constraints, such as uniform interface. if apply to a web service, desirable...

Key User in a Forms World

Why do you struggle? Perhaps you know or heard from your IT department, that one of your major business application runs on Oracle Forms and a lot of your ideas could not comming to truth, due to limitation in that framework. Don’t give up! With PITSS.CON at your...



Why and how to modernize legacy applications efficiently

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Förderprojekt BMBF

PITSS erhält Zuschlag für Förderprojekt des BMBF zur digitalen Softwaredokumentation

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Hrc setzt bei der Wartung seiner Banken Software auf Tempo und Sicherheit mit dem PITSS Application Data Cube

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Individuelle Beratung für die
Modernisierung Ihrer Software

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Uta Daniels
Assistant of Sales Management
[email protected]
+49 711/914-012-12