Using Internal IT Teams for Legacy Modernization
Legacy modernization projects are challenging for many organizations, even those that have fully fledged IT departments.
There are three approaches to implementing an applicaiton modernization project: the IT department in place can do the project, the project can be outsourced to an external team, or there can be a blended approach where the internal IT team can work together with an external team, typically an expert.
Of course, most organizations would opt for accomplishing a legacy modernization with their internal project team. After all, the internal IT team already understands the systems in place, how these systems impact some or all of their business, and perhaps some of the system’s shortcomings.
However, there are many IT project risks to having an internal IT team take on an application modernization. The IT project risks from having an internal IT team handle a digital transformation project include time, costs, and talent.
Most importantly, a digital transformation project requires long-term thinking and strategy. An internal IT project risks costs in development time if they don’t anticipate for every step of the digital transformation roadmap.
Many internal IT teams are usually focused on keeping the IT side operating smoothly. There can be a help desk team, a network team, a systems admin, and other internal roles. The skills required for legacy modernization can be lacking in these kinds of standard IT teams.
This leaves two options: having the current team acquire more skills to handle such a large-scale project, or hiring new staff. Each approach has obvious disadvantages in cost and time. A new staff member may likely require a hefty salary and benefits package and take time to get integrated into the team.
The organization also has to know who they’re looking for. An HR department might not always hire the right kinds of people for the job.
Using an internal IT team also translates into cost implications. The internal team will need appropriate working space, the right equipment, previously mentioned new staff might need to be recruited, and everyone on the team may need training. For a large digital transformation project, the cost could be high.
Time costs are huge IT project risks in attempting application modernization with your internal IT team. Firstly, the internal team will need to shift from their current duties to the new project. If no new staff is hired, the internal team will be forced to take on added workload, which means shared focus between the daily tasks and the new project.
Most importantly, a digital transformation project requires long-term thinking and strategy. An internal IT project risks costs in development time if they don’t anticipate for every step of the digital transformation roadmap.
The external team is not necessarily constrained by internal office politics and will do what needs to be done objectively.
An external consultant will assess the scope of the project, hire and allocate staff accordingly, and be responsible for human resources.
The external team is more likely to focus on delivering the project in the shortest time and with the most value.
By incorporating the internal IT team in the project, they will be acquire new skills that they will use in maintaining the systems after the consultant is done.
A Blended Approach to Mitigate IT Project Risks
At PITSS, we believe in the blended approach for legacy application modernization projects. We work together with internal teams to combine our knowledge and expertise with the strengths of the internal IT teams. This helps mitigate IT project risks, and makes digital transformation more successful.
Combining forces with an external consultant will result in quicker and better project implementation. The internal IT team and organization’s business leaders already understands what needs to change and their goals, while the external team has the resources and skills to make those changes become a reality. Therefore, the IT project risks inherent in implementation by an internal team are countered by the flexibility of the external team.
A blended approach to digital transformation is a win-win for both the organization and the external team. The organization acquires new skills while the external team does not have to start from scratch, delivering a better project in shorter time.
Legacy Application Modernization
Our full-service development team offers solutions to modernization your legacy applications and systems.
PITSS.CON Modernization Platform
We offer proprietary tools to easily upgrade, migrate, and extract business logic from your legacy applications.
More Digital Transformation Solutions
If you need to completely transform your legacy systems, we offer full digital transformation solutions for a variety of industries.
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